Dorette Le Roux

About The Mayville Franchisee

Dorette Le Roux

Dorette joined the Mayville branch in 2016 as a parent who had two ADHD children, one with severe ADHD.  Both her children attended Reading classes & Neuro focus sessions.  Her struggle to assist her children to overcome their Reading disabilities namely, (1) phonological deficit, (2) processing speed/orthographic processing deficit, and (3) comprehension deficit was an enormous challenge.

In March 2020 she joined the Tina Cowley Franchise and became part of the family!  As a dedicated parent and now a Reading & Neuro Focus therapist, she is able to assist children and parents who experience the same difficulties and challenges.  All that parents wish for, is that their children are “able” and happy in their environment.  Her passion to see her own and other children overcome obstacles and improve their overall wellbeing, is what she strives for #makingmyheartsmile.

About Tina Cowley

Dr Tina Cowley developed the unique “Cowley Assisted Reading Methodologies” programme during her relentless pursuit to overcome her son’s reading problem. Her quest for a solution meant she would have to give up her career as a psychologist. She travelled the globe researching reading and learning methods.


During this time the Tina Cowley Keyboard was invented. This modified, user-friendly keyboard provides a spontaneous reading tool which, when used with other therapies, allows the students to more rapidly identify letters, increasing their letter recognition. It assists students to overcome the difficulty they have distinguishing the foreground from the background.


Dr Tina Cowley holds a PhD in Learning and Reading Methodologies.


The success of the “Cowley Assisted Reading Methodologies” programme can be seen in the more than 100 franchises operating around the country and in Australia.

Our Mission

Our goal is to help your child reach his full potential through the help of our qualified and dedicated therapists. We equip students with a much better reading ability. 

At Tina Cowley Mayville, children and adults from all backgrounds, with and without learning disabilities, are assisted to improve their reading abilities;

Our Instructors

Educators at the B-Smart Edu Centre

Dorette Le Roux

Franchisee | Reader & Scribe

Anette Rossouw

THOD 4/4 | RO 2/2 Diploma in Education | Remedial Education Diploma | Reader | Scribe | Prompter

Marisenda Nuyts

Neuro Focus Therapist | Miki Maths GR R - Gr 6 Therapist | Reader | Scribe | Prompter

Tracey Goosen

Memory method Therapist | Study Course Therapist | Reader | Scribe | Prompter

Invest in your child's future and enroll now at a Tina Cowley Reading Centre

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